Admin Tools,  Documents,  Product Management

Initial stock tool

You can automatically import the initial stock in the system using the provided importing tool. The old stock must be exported in CSV format.

The provided tool helps matching old stock product names with the products in the system. In order increase the chance of product name matching, the product’s names should be as close as possible. You can configure the fuzziness of the name matching. If a match is not correct, you can change the product manually.

The file is imported in the tool then processed. Each time you import a file with the same name, the old file uploaded on the server will be overwritten, that’s to help you if you need to operate changes in the file during the import.

Initial stock CSV file upload

Click Upload after Choosing the CSV file with the initial stock.

Select the Warehouse of the initial stock. Each Warehouse’s initial stock must be imported separately.

Select the initial stock’s Document Date. This date must be the first document date in the system, before any other JournalRecord‘s DocumentDate (that is, if you import the stock after any operations were recorded in the system). The Document Date must be the same as the old stock’s goods stock balance date.

The Skip and Take fields configure the amount of data to be processed in one step. It also provides a way of recovering the data import if a failure occurred during the import (you simply set the Skip value to the last record’s index and click Next). After each batch of data is imported (after clicking the Save button), the Skip field is incremented by the tool.

If the OverrideProductCode checkbox is set, then the Code field of the matched ProductDefinition is overwritten. Please note that if you match the same ProductDefinition multiple times, the product code will be overwritten every time, so only the last code will be kept.

The FuzzynessNameMatchPercent sets the fuzziness parameter for name matching between the imported file’s product names and the ProductDefinition‘s names.

Initial stock import configuration

The initial stock file’s column structure must be as follows:

  • Index (numeric, integer)
  • Product Code (string)
  • Product’s name (string)
  • Product’s unit of measure name (string)
  • Quantity (numeric, decimal)
  • Value (numeric, decimal)

Initial stock CSV file default column indexes

The column indexes can be modified by the user but we recommend to respect the file’s structure.

Parsing the data

To read the current batch of lines (from Skip to Take) click Next. The tool will identify the closest match of the ProductDefinition‘s name and the closest match for the unit of measure name. It will calculate the unit price of the product and return the parse data to be inspected by the user.

Products from the initial stock file, mathched with current ProductDefinition records

The tool ignores the lines with less or equal to zero on the Quantity or the Value columns. Those records are not valid and must be manually processed by the user or you can modify and re upload the file with valid values.

When clicking Execute, the data presented in the UI is parsed (not the one in the CSV file) and the Unit Price is recalculated if any changes were made to the Quantity or Value fields for each line.

No changes are made in the database when clicking the Execute button, only unit price recalculation.

Saving the data

Clicking the Save button will save the data in the database and automatically increment the Skip field. The saved data is the data present in that moment in the UI. Any changes made before clicking the Save button will be reflected in the saved data. Before saving the sata, the process go through the same logic as clicking the Execute button does.

Modifying the initial stock

The data can be modifies only until products are consumed from the initial stock.

You can modify an initial stock record the same way you modify a Goods Receipt.